Gonzar to Melide

Gonzar to Melide

Did I mention we've had a lot of rain?

Did I mention we’ve had a lot of rain?



And then we had more rain . . .

And then we had more rain . . .

A good surprise was finding several groves of eucalyptus trees.

A good surprise was finding several groves of eucalyptus trees.

Starting our dinner in Melide with an order of spiced boiled octopus - pulpo. A specialty in town, and good. Especially with cold beer after a day of cold rain and eight hours of walking.

Starting our dinner in Melide with an order of spiced boiled octopus – pulpo. A specialty in town, and good. Especially with cold beer after a day of cold rain and eight hours of walking.

Two of today's compañeras Katie and Irene, pleased about the pulpo. Irene's husband Chris is beside me and so out of frame, happily consuming a big bowl of Galician soup.

Two of today’s compañeras Katie and Irene, pleased about the pulpo. Irene’s husband Chris is beside me and so out of frame, happily consuming a big bowl of Galician soup.