One of numerous small stone footbridges that cross streams or springs.

Much of today’s walk was cloudy, but there were moments of open sky and open vistas.

The deep cut of the Camino on much of today’s walk offered a mystical feel.

We found this marker directing peregrinos on a short detour to an artist’s studio. He made sand paintings using crushed rock of various colors. He used material gathered locally, as well as from South America.

Springs and yesterday’s rain made this section of the walk deep with lush, aromatic mud.

Is it just me, or does this tree look like one of the angry apple trees in The Wizard of Oz?

Looking out my window in Sarria. It’s a rainy evening in Sarria with more on the way. The next few days are likely to be wet. This is the first rainy weather we’ve had since the third day out (Zubiri), so I have no complaints. My poncho is eager to serve.
Yesterday and today have been an incredibly gorgeous part of the country!