Hospital de Orbigo to Santa Catalina de Samoza

Hospital de Orbigo to Santa Catalina de Samoza

Out the door at dawn, so got to see the full moon setting in front of me while the risen sun was behind me. Even saw alpenglow on the mountains, but my travel camera wouldn't do it justice.

Out the door at dawn, so got to see the full moon setting in front of me while the risen sun was behind me. Even saw alpenglow on the mountains, but my travel camera wouldn’t do it justice.

Look closely at these mud cliffs and you may see dozens of holes in the face. Each of these appeared to be home to swifts. The camera didn't catch them, but there were hundreds in the air, going in and out of the openings.

Look closely at these mud cliffs and you may see dozens of holes in the face. Each of these appeared to be home to swifts. The camera didn’t catch them, but there were hundreds in the air, going in and out of the openings.

The road today has often been lined with wild lavender.

The road today has often been lined with wild lavender.

The crest of another hill, there is the city of Astorga in the distance.

The crest of another hill, there is the city of Astorga in the distance.

The city of Astorga is known more for its excellent chocolate and the 1880s Episcopal Palace designed by architect Antoni Gaudi. You may get a sense of Gaudi's modernist flare from the unusual beveled arches at the entrance to the building at lower right.

The city of Astorga is known more for its excellent chocolate and the 1880s Episcopal Palace designed by architect Antoni Gaudi. You may get a sense of Gaudi’s modernist flare from the unusual beveled arches at the entrance to the building at lower right.

The rear of the cathedral at Astorga.

The rear of the cathedral at Astorga.

The Camino has lots of advice to offer. Discernment is key.

The Camino has lots of advice to offer. Discernment is key.

Because neither of us is likely to have seen a grape purple Mercedes van before - or is likely to again. Savor this moment.

Because neither of us is likely to have seen a grape purple Mercedes van before – or is likely to again. Savor this moment.

The terrain is changing back to foothills as I leave the Meseta and prepare to cross the mountains in a few days.

The terrain is changing back to foothills as I leave the Meseta and prepare to cross the mountains in a few days.

A view to the southwest from the village of Santa Catalina de Samoza.

A view to the southwest from the village of Santa Catalina de Samoza.

These look like flox, and take hold along roof tiles and crevices in walls of abandoned rock houses.

These look like flox, and take hold along roof tiles and crevices in walls of abandoned rock houses.