León to Hospital de Obrigo

As I left León, vendors were setting up market day in the Plaza Mayor. Wednesday and Saturday mornings.

A famous image from the Camino. The statue of a resting pilgrim, in front of the Parador León. If you saw the movie “The Way,” that’s where Martin Sheen and company enjoyed a night in the luxurious hotel. (I tried. It was booked solid.)

Those snow-peaked mountains have been to my right – north – the entire trip. Now they are staying in front of me. Can’t be good. Surely the Celts, Romans, and centuries of pilgrims figured a way out of this.

I stopped at a bar cafe in a village along the way for a limonada and bathroom break. The men’s room facilities were old school. For the easy stuff, it’s just point and shoot. For more complicated matters, a guy turns around, steps on the foot pads, and squats. I assume that the empty fixture on the wall might be a great place to store paper products of some kind, if the need ever arose. Heh.

This is a flowing stream. Those are thousands of tiny white flowers blossoming on an aquatic plant I’ve never seen. I’ll ask . . .

The common room in my albergue today. Free herbal teas, a mediation area, and lots of Bob Dylan on the stereo. Can’t wait to try the brownies.

Afternoons at the albergue, after walking anywhere from 15 to 20 miles that morning, often involve beer or tinto with friends while watching other pilgrims come in. No beer or wine at my vegetarian-eating, Bob Dylan-playing commune, so Inhelped the hosts with this project. Primarily by consulting Google as to how to do it.
There was never toilet paper in the bar washrooms. A toilet seat and soap were a bonus.
I am enjoying your journey!
Not sure which fascinated me more, the toilet facilities or the Dylan-playing hosts? One thing for sure ties every human on the planet together – the daily need of … well you know!