Calzadilla de los Hermanillos to Mansilla

Calzadilla de los Hermanillos to Mansilla

This part of Spain is largely denuded of trees. In certain areas, there is evidence of efforts at reforestation.

This part of Spain is largely denuded of trees. In certain areas, there is evidence of efforts at reforestation.

We're about to leave the pavement to enter the Via Trajana.

We’re about to leave the pavement to enter the Via Trajana.

Entering the Calzada Romana, or Via Trajana, one of the best-preserved extents of Roman road in Spain. This was a military and trade route that connected the region of Bordeaux, France with Astorga, Spain.

Entering the Calzada Romana, or Via Trajana, one of the best-preserved extents of Roman road in Spain. This was a military and trade route that connected the region of Bordeaux, France with Astorga, Spain.

Have seen many poppies along the road, but this is the first field. Just outside of Mansilla.

Have seen many poppies along the road, but this is the first field. Just outside of Mansilla.