Logroño to Nájera

Logroño to Nájera

One of many vegetable tiendas in Navarra and La Rioja. The white asparagus is popular and prevalent. In season now, and delicious.

One of many vegetable tiendas in Navarra and La Rioja. The white asparagus is popular and prevalent. In season now, and delicious.

Leaving the city of Logroño at dawn, we turned around and spotted this huge mural on the side of a building. The tattoos are the "sillos" that pilgrims have stamped on our peregrino credentials at each stop on the way.

Leaving the city of Logroño at dawn, I turned around and spotted this huge mural on the side of a building. The tattoos are the “sillos” that pilgrims have stamped on our peregrino credentials at each stop on the way.

Looking back to a gate in the old city wall. This used to have drawbridge. The moat is still there.

Looking back to a gate in the old city wall. This used to have drawbridge. The moat is still there.

The iconic Osborne bull. The only outdoor advertising allowed along the highway.

The iconic Osborne bull. The only outdoor advertising allowed along the highway.

This is one section of many we saw where pilgrims weave crosses into the fencing along the path using found objects.

This is one section of many I saw where pilgrims weave crosses into the fencing along the path using found objects.

We came across this gentleman tending the newly budded vines in one of the vineyards. We stopped, he stopped, and then he told us about the grapes. Another great moment.

Came across this gentleman tending the newly budded vines in one of the vineyards. Our group stopped, he stopped, and then he told us about the grapes. Another great moment.

Well-placed guerrilla ads tempting pilgrims with massages and taxis rides.

Well-placed guerrilla ads tempting pilgrims with massages and taxis rides.

Well-known poetry along an industrial wall beside the Camino. More on this one later.

Well-known poetry along an industrial wall beside the Camino. More on this one later.

24-hour vending station as we entered Nájera.

24-hour vending station as we entered Nájera.

A common sight in the albergue: pilgrim boots and walking poles recharging for the next day's journey.

A common sight in the albergue: pilgrim boots and walking poles recharging for the next day’s journey.

Lunch in Nájera with old friends (met a week ago) and new (met today.)

Lunch in Nájera with old friends (met a week ago) and new (met today.)