Torres del Rio to Logroño

Torres del Rio to Logroño

One of my favorite doors along the way. On a farm building. I like way the structural element are exposed here.

One of my favorite doors along the way. On a farm building. I like way the structural element are exposed here.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (12th cent.) in Torres del Rio.  It was a Templar church, evidenced by the octagonal design. Inside is beautifully stark. No furniture or ornamentation other than the stone work and crucifix.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (12th cent.) in Torres del Rio. It was a Templar church, evidenced by the octagonal design. Inside is beautifully stark. No furniture or ornamentation other than the stone work and crucifix.

The Camino paralleled local highway for several kilometers.

The Camino paralleled local highway for several kilometers.

More highway. The trick is to follow the yellow arrows painted on roadside objects.

More highway. The trick is to follow the yellow arrows painted on roadside objects.

Entrance to the cathedral in Viana. Cesar Borgia was buried here after dying in battle.

Entrance to the cathedral in Viana. Cesar Borgia was buried here after dying in battle.

The marker about Cesar Borgia outside the cathedral in Viana, in the region of Navarra.

The marker about Cesar Borgia outside the cathedral in Viana, in the region of Navarra.

Two elements I have found common in the Basque regions: hospitality and strong feelings about independence from Spain.

Two elements I have found common in the Basque regions: hospitality and strong feelings about independence from Spain.

A spacious tunnel for peregrinos that runs beneath a major highway.

A spacious tunnel for peregrinos that runs beneath a major highway.

This ancient stone bridge leads into the city of Logroño, population 140,000. My albergue is just on the other side.

This ancient stone bridge leads into the city of Logroño, population 140,000. My albergue is just on the other side.

Nesting storks are numerous on towers and the corners of buildings in Logroño.

Nesting storks are numerous on towers and the corners of buildings in Logroño.

The cathedral in Logroño.

The cathedral in Logroño.

One of my Camino companions, Andy Byers, and I go for the bistec to celebrate our arrival in La Rioja.

One of my Camino companions, Andy Byers, and I go for the bistec to celebrate our arrival in La Rioja.