Useless on this rainy day, but an interesting detail.

Looking back to one of the many bridges we cross in this region.

An enterprising family opened an open-air cafe in their back garden, complete with espresso, hand-squeezed orange juice, and two wood fired brick ovens.

One of my intermittent walking companions, Erika from Bonn.

Another sometime companion, Thomas from a small town (pop. 600) in Germany.

Entering the outskirts of Pamplona.

The old city walls and cathedral rise into view.

The Plaza del Castillo in Pamplona. No bull.

At Cafe Iruña with fellow peregrinos. This was Hemingway’s favorite place to raise a glass between visits to the Plaza del Toros around the corner.

The Camino at its best: newfound friends preparing a pitch-in dinner at the hostel. Salad, soup, jambalaya, and fruit salad with chocolate sauce. And of course, just enough vino tinto to drink.