Roncesvalles to Zubiri

Roncesvalles to Zubiri

Dawn in Roncesvalles and only 790 kilometers to go! Near me is Don Pablo. Behind the camera is Don Juan Carlos. I had my first social interaction conversation in Spanish where I understood all that was said and they did not try go switch us over to English. FTW.

Dawn in Roncesvalles and only 790 kilometers to go! Near me is Don Pablo. Behind the camera is Don Juan Carlos. I had my first social interaction conversation in Spanish where I understood all that was said and they did not try to switch us over to English. FTW.


Descending through a beech forest.


Perigrinos crossing a small river in the Navarra region.


Along with the Camino scallop shell marker, this is the European trail system indicator that you are on the path. The red bar crossing the white means “wrong way.”


Ate the best-tasting apple of my recent lifetime at this food truck, perched atop a hill where the path crosses a local highway.


Germany and France negotiating dinner. The two French sisters at the center were in my hostel in St.-Jean-Pied-de-Port. All were in the group that stayed in Orisson. The people around you change frequently, but it is common to reconnect on a hill, at a bar (diner), or in the next albergue.


Packing up to leave Zubiri and head for Pamplona. After a big thunderstorm overnight, a light mist greeted us out the door. Why is there a snooker table? I have no idea.