The Camino Beard Question
As it happens, many men walking the Camino de Compostela decide not to shave for the duration of their pilgrimage. There are many reasons for not shaving; as an outward sign of pilgrim devotion, as a way to disengage from societal norms, as a way to cut weight by not carrying a razor, or because it’s just easier.

Good to know. Useful beard information from The Doghouse Diaries at http://thedoghousediaries.com/5203
On the other hand, a razor doesn’t weigh much, there are barbers along the way, and as for myself, I stand a better chance of looking like George “Gabby” Hayes than George Clooney if I go a few days without a shave.
Crowdsource this with me: If you were a Magic 8 Ball, what answer would you give to my question, “Should I grow a ‘Camino beard’ for six weeks while walking to Santiago de Compostela?”