Circa 1930s? 1830s? 1730s?

At the Leopold-Sedar-Senghor, a pedestrian bridge directly across from the Jardin des Tuileries

“Pablo” allowed me to practice my Spanish while haggling over the price of a Panama hat. I got a good deal, and I suspect he got a great one.

A rare find in Paris: a bathroom that is public, clean, and free. Set into the wall of the Quay d’Orsay, on the Left Bank just east of the Pont de la Concorde. Mark it in your guide books!

These now-infamous promise locks cover nearly the entire span of the bridge along both sides.

Looking up through the trees at the southwest cornice of the Grand Palais.

This promenade, built in 1927, stretches along several blocks of the Right Bank. Park benches, shade, and people watching.
Great pictures. I’ve been telling friends that your travelling conventions are exactly how I would like to travel. Looking forward to each day’s pictures.