Urban Trail Near Minneapolis

Urban Trail Near Minneapolis

imageWhen staying over in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, I prefer to stay at the Hilton Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport location. The restaurant there is good enough to be a destination in itself while in town. Less than ten minutes from the Departures ramp, the hotel is also directly across the street from the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. I did my last training hike there before flying out.

One hundred meters into the park and the city disappeared. Except for the white noise of nearby highway and a well-marked dirt path, there was no way to know I wasn’t deep in the wilderness. Wide expanses of marshlands bordered a long swath of flood plain oak forest. I passed numerous trees with trunks six to seven feet in diameter at the base.


As I rounded a bend in the path, two Sand Hill cranes rose out of the marsh and flew directly overhead.  The morning brought eagles, wood ducks, scores of red-winged blackbirds, and of course, the ubiquitous Canada geese. Deer tracks were plentiful, as were piles of fur-laden scat that I suppose were left by coyotes.

Have you been here? Do you have a favorite place?